We serve Canada & USA 1-888-533-5494

Frequently Asked Questions

What devices support Kiwi?

Kiwi can be accessed by any device that has an internet browser.  For example, desktop, laptop, smartphone, and tablet.  Kiwi is a secure web based program, similar to Gmail and Hotmail.  

What devices provide the ideal clinic setup? 

In our experience, the ideal setup to maximize efficient use of Kiwi is to: 1) use an iPad to take clinical notes when face-to-face with patients, and 2) to use a traditional desktop for other admininstrative work.  Due to the size and ease of use of the iPad, the iPad is the preferred device to replace your traditional clipboard.  The desktop can be used to: book appointments, enter patient information, and generate reports.

Kiwi is iPad ready

Which iPad should I purchase for use with Kiwi?

Kiwi has been tested on iPad, iPad2, iPad3 and all levels of storage (16, 32, 64 GB). Kiwi works on all models.  Since Kiwi is an internet based program, none of your Kiwi data are saved onto the iPad itself.  Therefore, there are no Kiwi benefits when using a 16GB or a 64GB iPad.  The option to choose a larger storage device relates to your own personal use (music, viedos, games).  

How do I sign up?

Simply go to https://www.kiwirevolution.com/register/  to sign up for your no-risk FREE trial today!

How can I contact you?

Sales and Support:

support@KiwiRevolution.com.  We usually respond within 0 to 48 hours.

Call 1-888-533-KIWI (5494).  We are on Pacific Standard time.

How long will it take for me to get used to Kiwi?

The average new user is familiarized to Kiwi within one week of use. We recommend creating at least 1 or 2 practice assessment before seeing patients.  We offer a 30 day free trial so that you can familiarize yourself to Kiwi at no charge.


What is the preferred web browser for use with Kiwi?

We perform the majority of the beta testing for Kiwi on Google Chrome. We recommend that you also use Google Chrome (it is free for download).  We have found that it is the fastest of all web browsers.  Kiwi also works on Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari, but typically, small upgrades in each of their versions may cause minor behavioural changes.


Can I use Kiwi with a netbook?

Absolutely! Netbooks are simply smaller laptops with less computing power as they are designed for basic functions such as web browsing, e-mailing, and word processing.

Since Kiwi is web-based with no application to install, all you need is a compatible internet browser and an internet connection. The netbook's lower processing speed is not a huge factor.

Can I use Kiwi with a Mac?


Will Kiwi work with mobile internet connections?

Yes, Kiwi has been tested, and will work with Verizon USB Stick, as well as AT&T 3G.

Please note that typically with these cellphone network based connections, your speed will vary depending on signal strength as well.

How are my patient files saved, and is there a back up?

The security and storage of your data is something that we take very seriously.  Yes, your databases are backed up. Kiwi databases are cloned to a secondary server in real time, ensuring that even in the case of an unexpected catastrophic failure we have a to-the-second copy of the latest data.  We also take snapshots of both the database and web files (including user-uploaded files) to disk every night. Furthermore, those snapshots are also backed up to an secondary off-site data-center nightly.


I like to store my data in my clinic. Can you help me perform paper back ups?

Even though the data are already saved on two servers, some of our clients like to have yet another paper back up.  We can perform Adobe .pdf exports of your patient and doctor databases.  The pdf file is similar to what you would have as a paper patient file.  The charge for this mass data export is $99 each time.  Please contact us if/when you want to perform this.  We can mail you a disk containing this data.